To create and start a campaign on KDEISROMANI is totally free. All you have to do is register and start a campaign. Choosing from the funding options we have, you may go with the Elastic Funding which lets you keep all of the funds raised from your campaign, even if you don’t hit your target. Or, you may choose to go with the inelastic Funding, which refunds the donations back to your Backers should you don’t hit your target. Whichever way, you pay nothing till you start raising funds.


①Elastic Fund (Flexible)

・You Hit Your Target→KDEISROMANI charges a five percent (5%) platform fee on funds raised for your campaign

・You don’t hit your target→ KDEISROMANI charges a five percent (5%) platform fee on funds raised for your campaign, but you get to keep what you earned.


This encourages people to set reasonable goals and promote their campaigns.


②Inelastic Funding (Fixed)

・You Hit Your Target→KDEISROMANI charges a five percent (5%) platform fee on funds raised for your campaign

・You Don´t Hit Your Target→you pay nothing and your contributions get refunded.


Third-party fees do not apply for refunded contributions.



Third Party Fee

Paypal Charges 2.9% on all transactions. Please check their website for details.

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